Does your marketing need a unique boost? Are you fed-up with your sales pitches looking good then going wrong right at the last minute? We're not miracle workers here at Schokologo, but what we DO know how to do is make your products stand-out in a way which can't fail to get you noticed! That means amazing personalised chocolate products and much more edible marketing options besides.
Read on for some examples of the kind of custom chocolate we do, what we've done and how our embossed chocolate ideas can give you the chance to make a lasting impression which will never go away!
Need chocolate for group activities?
Team-building activities used to be dull and, we hate to say it, a little bit boring. That's not the case anymore, for example, why not try the Mutual Respect game? Designed to make every employee feel cherished and appreciated, it works like this: each employee is given a chocolate bar – we have many different types, so plenty of choice for all tastes! – and has the option to give that bar to another member of the team who they feel has done more than their fair share of hard work. Employees may choose to give a bar to people who have been helpful with tricky customers, or they might choose to give them to people who have great organisational skills. Either way, our chocolates provide the interest and your employees all learn a bit about their place in the team.
Making a sales pitch? Then chocolate is always a good option!
Our cutting-edge chocolate has been employed by many companies you'll have heard of. We're talking Nokia and DHL, Fidelity and Fepa, to name a few. Hand out a chocolate selection box at your pitch and it'll certainly stick in the boss's memory. Better still, we can add your custom bespoke logo to the design, making the chocolates very personal and highly intriguing with it!
Everyone loves chocolate, and the fun doesn't end at work
Remember those books called, wait for it, it'll come to us in a minute...ah, yes, the Harry Potter books? Well, that first book apparently got published because the son of an executive at the company loved the book and said he thought everyone should read it. The result? Mega success and lots of money earned! And we like to think that our chocolate will be as appreciated when it leaves the workplace and goes home with your employees and managers. By combining many different solutions with all kinds of great design options, we make sure that if someone sees a chocolate bar with your name written on it, they never ever forget who you are. Come and see if we have an answer to your question(s)
We've spent a long time developing a great FAQ page that answers all the common custom chocolate business gifts questions, and also some of the less common ones concerning bespoke chocolates. So if you have a question about anything we do in the way of logo chocolate, please have a look on our site...we have a feeling you may be pleasantly surprised...l